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EAAN 12 Winter 1994: Running Bibliography

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Quaternary (including environment, flora, fauna, Holocene, climate, etc.)
(ANON 1989; ANON 1992; Berryman and others 1992; Chou 1992; Elisseeff 1992; Hovan and others 1989; Huang 1989; Ikehara and others 1992; Ingle 1992; Jablonski 1993; Nakai and Nakamura 1992; Omura and Ota 1992; Wang 1992; Wang 1993; Xie 1992; Zhu and others 1993)

Palaeolithic East Asia
(Akazawa and others 1992; Bowdler 1993; Brown 1992; Ermolov 1989; Horai 1993; Hutterer 1994; Jia 1989; Jia and Wu 1994; Kamata 1993; Klein 1992; Ota and Saino 1993; Shen 1993; Tokunaga and Juji 1993; Wang 1993; Wolpoff 1989; Wu and Jia 1994; Wu and Lanpo 1994)

Chinese Neolithic
(An 1994; Bellwood and Barnes 1993; Chen 1993a; Chen 1993b; Gao and Lee 1993; Huang 1993; Mao and Mei 1989; Zhao and Wu 1989)

Shang, Zhou
(Dewall 1989; Dittrich 1989; Falkenhausen 1989a; Falkenhausen 1989b; Falkenhausen 1993b; Falkenhausen 1993c; Huang 1989; Kolb 1991; Kolb 1993; Li 1992; Lu 1993; Prüch 1992; Rawson 1993; Xu 1993)

Chinese historical archaeology
(Asim 1993; Barfield 1989; Birrell 1993; Cotton 1989; Finsterbusch 1991; Girmond 1993; Girmond and Kuhn 1993; Ji 1993; Jiang 1993; Krahl 1989; Kramer 1993; Kuhn 1992; Kuhn 1993; Ledderose-Croissant 1989; Lin 1992; Lin 1993a; Lin 1993b; Loewe 1993; Mair 1989; Müller 1989; Müller and Wu 1989; Naundorf 1993; Ruan 1993; Synkiewicz 1989; Tampoe 1989; Vogel 1992; Vogel 1993)

China general
(An 1989; Bray 1989; Brook 1989; Chen 1989; Chen 1993b; Cheng 1993; Dittrich 1992; Falkenhausen 1990; Falkenhausen 1993a; Goddard 1993; Höllman 1989; Höllmann 1992b; Krahl 1992; Ledderose 1992; Pennells 1993a; Pennells 1993b; Vuylsteke 1993; Walravens 1992; Yu 1993)

Korea general
(Chang 1993; Koh 1993; Lee 1992; Lee 1993)

Korean prehistory & history
(Asmolov 1992; Chang 1993; Hudson 1989; Koh 1993; Lee 1992; Lee 1993; Nishitani 1993; Pak 1989; Riotto 1989; Sasse 1989; Solheim 1994; Takeda 1989; Yoon 1989)

Japan general
(An 1992; ANON n.d.; Brown 1993; Jones 1989; Maeda 1989; Rekihaku 1989; Ueda 1991)

East Asia religion & ritual
(Adami 1989; Ahn 1989; Chae 1993; Fisher 1993; Inoue 1989; Kamata 1989; Kim 1989; Kim 1993; Kodama 1989; Korean Buddhist Research Institute 1993; Lancaster and Yu 1989; Ledderose-Croissant 1989; Lee 1993; Lee 1989; Müller and Wu 1989; Rhi 1989; Richtsfeld and others 1992; Thompson 1989)

Japan prehistory & protohistory
(An 1992; Baba 1989; Bellwood and Barnes 1993; Brown 1993; Hojo 1989; Hudson 1992; Hudson 1989; Hudson 1992; Hudson 1993; Kenrick 1989; Kenrick 1994; Koike 1989; Nakahashi and Nagai 1989; Scarre 1989; Wilkinson 1992)

Japan history
(Batten 1990; Goreglyad 19xx; Kreiner and Ölschleger 1989a; Kreiner and Ölschleger 1989b; Nakahashi and Nagai 1989; Nickerson 1993; Tsushima 19xx; Ueda 1991; Wilkinson 1992)

East Asia general
(Befu 1993; Dewall 1992; Kaner and Taylor 1989a; Kaner and Taylor 1989b)

Northeast Asia
(Cotton 1989; Dittrich 1992; Ermolov 1989; Frye 1989; Höllmann 1992a; Horai 1993; Lattimore 1989; Müller 1989; Murphey 1989; Seaman 1989; Synkiewicz 1989; Tokunaga and Juji 1993; Vainshtein 1989; Yun-Kremer 1992)

Southeast Asia
(Bellwood 1993; Bowdler 1993; Dewall 1992; Dewall 1993; Riboud 1993; Wang 1992)


Adami, Norbert R. Religion und Schamanismus der Ainu auf Sachalin. Bonn: 1989.

Ahn, Kyu-hyon. "Introduction of Buddhism to Korea." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 1-28. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Akazawa, Takeru, Kenichi Aoki, and Tasuku Kimura, ed. The evolution and dispersal of modern humans in Asia. Tokyo: Hokusensha, 1992.

An, Zhimin. "Continental roots of the earliest Japanese culture." Japanese as a Member of the Asian and Pacific Population, International Symposium 4 (1992): 175-86.

An, Zhimin. "China during Neolithic." In Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization, ed. S.J. Laet. 1. London: Routledge, 1994.

An, Zhi Min. "Chinese archaeology: past and present." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 12-18.

ANON. 1:1,000,000 Geomorphological Map of China (Part I). China: Science Press, 1989.

ANON. "Special Issue: Global environmental change-the role of the geoscientist." Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences 7 (1 1992):

ANON. Iizuka Historical Museum (leaflet). Iizuka, Fukuoka-ken: n.d.

Asim, Ina. "Die aristokratische Grabkultur des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts." In Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter: Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907 n. Chr.) und das kulturelle Erbe der Seidenstraße, ed. Dieter Kuhn. 173-220. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1993.

Asmolov, Konstantin V. "The system of military activity of Koguryo." Korea Journal 32 (2 1992): 103-16.


Baba, Hisao. "Human skeletal remains of Jomon period from Minamitsubo shellmound site in Ibaraki Prefecture, east Japan." Bulletin of The National Science Museum Series D, 15 (1989): 1-40.

Barfield, Thomas J. The perilous frontier: nomadic empires and China. Cambridge MA: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

Batten, Bruce. "Documentary evidence for institutional change at the Dazaifu, 1000-1185." Kokusai Bunka Kenkyu 11 ((Apr) 1990): xx.

Befu, Harumi. Cultural nationalism in East Asia. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1993.

Bellwood, Peter. "The Austronesian dispersal and the origin of language families." In The Illustrated History of Humankind 2: People of the Stone Age, ed. Gören Burenhult. 138. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

Bellwood, Peter and Gina Barnes. "Stone Age farmers in southern and eastern Asia." In The Illustrated History of Humankind 2: People of the Stone Age, ed. Gören Burenhult. 123-44. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

Berryman, K.R., Y. Ota, and A.G. Hull. "Holocene coastal evolution under the influence of episodic tectonic uplift: examples from New Zealand and Japan." Quaternary International 15/16 (1992): 31-45.

Birrell, Anne. Popular songs and ballads of Han China. University of Hawaii Press, 1993.

Bowdler, Sandra. "The evolution of modern humans, Homo sapiens, in East Asia: implications of archaeological evidence from Australia and Southeast Asia." In Evolving landscapes and evolving biotas of East Asia since the mid-Tertiary, ed. Nina G. Jablonski. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1993.

Bray, Francesca. "Essence and utility: the classification of crop plants in China." Chinese Science 9 (1989): xx.

Brook, Timothy, ed. The Asiatic Mode of Production in China. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1989.

Brown, Delmer M., ed. Ancient Japan. Cambridge History of Japan, vol. 1. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Brown, P. "Recent human evolution in East Asia and Australasia." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London) 337 (1992): 235-42.


Chae, Taeg-su. "The Unified Shilla period: the Golden Age of Buddhism." In The history and culture of Buddhism in Korea, ed. Korean Buddhist Research Institute. Seoul: Dongguk University Press, 1993.

Chang, Myong-sue. "Build the museum first." Korea Focus 1 (5 1993): 90-91.

Chen, Chun. "Chinese archaeology and the West." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 27-35.

Chen, Jackie. "Jade craze: unearthing the Liangzhu relics." Sinorama Dec (1993a): 46-52.

Chen, Jackie. "Liangzhu jade flies to Taiwan?" Sinorama Dec (1993b): 53-55.

Cheng, Yuan-ching. "Living in the past: a museum of Chinese life." Sinorama Dec (1993): 94-103.

Chou, L.M. "Potential impacts of climatic change and sea-level rise on the East Asian seas region." Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences 7 (1 1992): xx.

Cotton, James. Asian Frontier Nationalism: Owen Lattimore and the American policy debate. Manchester University Press, 1989.


Dewall, Magdalene von, ed. Modellwagen und Wagenmodelle in frühchinesischen Gräbern. XXIII. DOT Würzburg 1985. Stuttgart: 1989.

Dewall, Magdalene von. "Die Archäologie Südostasiens im Dialog von Gegenwart und Vergangenheit-Merkzeichen von einer Erkundungsreise in Vietnam." In China-Wege in die Welt. Festschrift für Wolfgang Franke zum 80. Geburtstag, ed. B. Eberstein and B. Staiger. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde Hamburg, 1992.

Dewall, Magdalene von. "Some observations on the ancient bronze drum tonggu and related sounding bodies as musical instruments in Late Bronze Age contexts from southern China and Southeast Asia." In La Pluridisciplinarité en Archéologie Musicale, ed. C. Homo-Lechner. Paris: 1993.

Dittrich, Edith. Der Shou-ching(-Vogel): Ein Beitrag zur mittel-und ostasiatischen Metallkunst der späteren Eisenzeit. Akten des XXIV Deutschen Orientalistentages, Köln: 1989.

Dittrich, Edith. "Kongress für Nordchinesische Archäologie in Hohhot, VR China." Deutsche China-Gesellschaft e.V. Mitteilungsblatt 5 (1992): 8-9.


Elisseeff, Danielle. "The beginning of zoohistory in China: bibliographical notes." The Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie 1992 (X 1992): xx.

Ermolov, Leonid B. "Principal tendencies in the development of hunting in ancient and traditional nomadic societies." In Ecology and Empire: nomads in the cultural evolution of the Old World, ed. Gary Seaman. 105-108. 1989.


Falkenhausen, Lothar von. "Koshi shunju vols. 4 and 5." Early China 15 (1989a): xx.

Falkenhausen, Lothar von. "Pitch distribution in bell-chimes of the Chinese Bronze Age." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 4 (Suppl. 1) (85 1989b): 32.

Falkenhausen, Lothar von. "Breaching the language barrier: a new resource for the study of Chinese archaeology." Review of Archaeology 11 (1 1990): 10-17.

Falkenhausen, Lothar von. "On the historiographical orientation of Chinese archaeology." Antiquity 67 (257 1993a): 839-849.

Falkenhausen, Lothar von. "Some issues in Western Zhou studies (review article)." Early China 18 (1993b): xx.

Falkenhausen, Lothar von. "Übersetzung und Revision von Li Ling: on the typology of Chu bronzes." Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie xx (1993c): xx.

Finsterbusch, Käte. "Darstellung von Musikern auf Reliefs und Wandmalereien in Gräbern der Han- bis Sui-Zeit." Chinablätter 18 (1991): 3-64.

Fisher, R.E. Buddhist art and architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, 1993.

Frye, Richard N. "Central Asian concepts of rule on the steppe and sown." In Ecology and Empire: nomads in the cultural evolution of the Old World, ed. Gary Seaman. 135-140. 1989.


Gao, Qiang and Yun Kuen Lee. "A biological perspective on Yangshao kinship." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 12 (1993): 266-98.

Girmond, Sybille. "Die Entfaltung der Pracht im Alltag." In Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter: Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907 n. Chr.) und das kulturelle Erbe der Seidenstraße, ed. Dieter Kuhn. 110-156. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1993.

Girmond, Sybille and Dieter Kuhn. "Funde aus dem "Unterirdischen Palast" des Tempels Famensi." In Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter: Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907 n. Chr.) und das kulturelle Erbe der Seidenstraße, ed. Dieter Kuhn. 157-172. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1993.

Goddard, David. "The slow boats of China: boat hunting in the People's Republic." WARP Occasional Paper 7 (1993): xx.

Goreglyad, Vladislav Nikanorovich, ed. Kojiki-zapisi o deyaniyah drevnosty. Svitki II, III [A translation of Kojiki "Writings about ancient deeds, scrolls II, III". Petersburg: Asta-Press, 19xx.


Hojo, Yoshitaka. "The study of keyhole shaped tombs and Japanese archaeology." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 81-90.

Höllman, Thomas O. "China entdeckt seine Randgebiete: Neue Grabungsergebnisse und Gedankenansätze verändern das Geschichtsbïld [China discovers its periphery: new excavation results and thoughts change the view of history]." Universitas 518 (1989): 752-761.

Höllmann, Thomas O., ed. Maoqinggou: Ein eisenzeitliches Gräberfeld in der Ordos Region (Innere Mongolei). Vol. 50. Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie (Mainz). 1992a.

Höllmann, Thomas O. "Wo der Himmel endet: Vom Umgang mit fremden Ländern, Völkern und Kulturen im chinesischen Kaiserreich." In Focus Behaim Globus, ed. Gerhard Bott. 411-22. Nürenburg: 1992b.

Horai, Satoshi. "Different waves of migration to the New World: implications of mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in Native Americans." Current Research in the Pleistocene 10 (1993): 43-5.

Hovan, Steven A., David K. Rea, Nicklas G. Pisias, and Nicholas J. Shackleton. "A direct link between the China loess and marine 18 O records: aeolian flux to the north Pacific." Nature 340 (1989): 296-298.

Huang, Chun Chang. "The loess and environmental changes of Holocene in the Weihe river basin." Geographical Research 8 (1 1989): 20-31.

Huang, Tsui-mei. "Neolithic jades of the Liangzhu culture." In The Illustrated History of Humankind 2: People of the Stone Age, ed. Göran Burenhult. 128. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

Huang, Zhan Yue. "Human sacrifice and ancient Chinese society." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 76-80.

Hudson, Mark. "Population change in Yayoi Japan." Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 4th series (7 1992): 141-4.

Hudson, Mark J. "Ethnicity in East Asia: approaches to the Wa." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 51-63.

Hudson, M.J. "Identifying human migrations in protohistoric Japan." Abstracts of the 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto (1992):

Hudson, Mark J. "Wet-rice cultivation." In The Illustrated History of Humankind 2: People of the Stone Age, ed. Gören Burenhult. 143. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

Hutterer, Karl L. "South-east Asia and Japan in the period of Homo sapiens sapiens up to the beginnings of food production." In Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization, ed. S.J. Laet. 1. London: Routledge, 1994.


Ikehara, K., H. Katayama, and K. Seto. "Late Quaternary paleoceanography of the Japan Sea: a tephrochronological and sedimentological study." Abstracts of the 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto (1992): xx.

Ingle, J.C. "Paleoceanographic evolution of the Japan Sea: tectonic versus climatic controls." Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Tokyo (1992): xx.

Inoue, Hideo. "The reception of Buddhism in Korea and its impact on indigenous culture." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 29-78. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.


Jablonski, Nina G., ed. Evolving landscapes and evolving biotas of East Asia since the mid-Tertiary. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1993.

Ji, Chen. "The Qin-Dynasty terra-cotta army (part III)." China & World Cultural Exchange 4 (1993): 27-8.

Jia, Lanpo. "On problems of the Beijing-Man site: a critique of new interpretations." Current Anthropology 30 (2 1989): 200-205.

Jia, Lanpo and Rukang Wu. "China in the period of Homo sapiens sapiens up to the beginnings of food production." In Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization, ed. S.J. Laet. 1. London: Routledge, 1994.

Jiang, Tingyu. "The great bronze drums of Guangxi." China & World Cultural Exchange 4 (1993): 30-1.

Jones, J.S. "A tale of three cities." Nature 339 (1989): 176-177.


Kamata, Shigeo. "The transmission of Paekche Buddhism to Japan." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 143-160. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Kamata, Toshiaki et al. "The Takamori site: a possible >300,000-year-old site in Japan." Current Research in the Pleistocene 10 (1993): 28-30.

Kaner, Simon and Sarah Taylor, ed. Dangerous Liaisons? Archaeology East and West. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989a).

Kaner, Simon and Sarah Taylor. "Theme editorial: full of Eastern promise?" Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989b): 3-11.

Kenrick, D. "The world's oldest pottery: Jomon." Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan 34 (1989): 182-4.

Kenrick, Douglas Moore. The Jomon of Japan: the world's oldest pottery. London: Kegan Paul International, 1994.

Kim, Tong-hwa. "The Buddhist thought of Koguryo." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 79-108. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Kim, Young-tae. "Buddhism in the Three Kingdoms." In The history and culture of Buddhism in Korea, ed. Korean Buddhist Research Institute. Seoul: Dongguk University Press, 1993.

Klein, R.G. "The archaeology of modern human origins." Evolutionary Anthropology 1 (1 1992): 5-14.

Kodama, Daien. "Serindia and Paekche culture." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 109-142. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Koh, Byong-ik. "Return of our cultural assets." Koreana 1 (5 1993): 117-20.

Koike, Hiroko. "Measurement of soil hardness of floor surface for a reconstruction of activity patterns in a prehistoric dwelling." Asian Perspectives 27 (1 1989): xx.

Kolb, Raimund. "Die Infanterie im Alten China. Ein Beitrag zur Militärgeschichte der Vor-Zhanguo-Zeit." AVA-Materialien 43 (1991): xx.

Kolb, Raimund. "Landwirtschaft im Alten China. Teil I: Shang-Yin." Systemata Mundi (Berlin) May (1993): xx.

Korean Buddhist Research Institute, ed. The history and culture of Buddhism in Korea. Seoul: Dongguk University Press, 1993.

Krahl, Regina. "Designs on Early Chinese textiles." Orientations 8 (1989): 62-73.

Krahl, Regina. "A new look at the development of Chinese ceramics." Orientations November (1992): xx.

Kramer, Martin. "Aristokratisches Leben in der Haupstadt." In Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter: Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907 n. Chr.) und das kulturelle Erbe der Seidenstraße, ed. Dieter Kuhn. 81-109. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1993.

Kreiner, Josef and Hans Dieter Ölschleger. De Ainoe. Jagers, vissers en plukkers uit Noord-Japan [The Ainu: hunters, fishers and gatherers of North Japan]. Brussels: 1989a.

Kreiner, Josef and Hans Dieter Ölschleger. Les Ainous: People chasseur, pecheur et cuilleur du Nord du Japon. Brussels: 1989b.

Kuhn, Dieter, ed. Arbeitsmaterialien aus chinesischen Ausgrabungsberichten (1988-1991) zu Gräbern aus der Han- bis Tang-Zeit. Heidelberg: Edition Forum, 1992.

Kuhn, Dieter, ed. Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter: Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907 n. Chr.) und das kulturelle Erbe der Seidenstraße. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1993.


Lancaster, Lewis R. and Chai-shin Yu, ed. Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Lattimore, Owen. Inner Asian Frontiers of China. Oxford University Press, 1989.

Ledderose, Lothar. "Module and mass production." In International colloquium on Chinese art history 1991, pt. 2, ed. National Palace Museum. 821-47. Taipei: 1992.

Ledderose-Croissant, Doris. "Grabkult und Jenseitsvorstellungen in der Han-Zeit." In Wege der Götter und Menschen, Religionen im traditionellen China, ed. C. Müller and S Wu. Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde SMPK, 1989.

Lee, Bong-choon. "Buddhism from India to Korea." In The history and culture of Buddhism in Korea, ed. Korean Buddhist Research Institute. Seoul: Dongguk University Press, 1993.

Lee, Ki-baek. "Early Silla Buddhism and the power of the aristocracy." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 161-186. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Lee, Ki-dong. "Ancient Korean historical research in North Korea: its progress and problems." Korea Journal 32 (2 1992): 22-41.

Lee, Peter H. et al., ed. Source book of Korean civilization, vol. 1: from early times to the 16th century. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Li, Ling. "On the typology of Chu bronzes." AVA-Beiträge 11 (1992): xx.

Lin, Chunmei. "Die Terracottaarmee des Ersten Gottkaisers Qin Shihuangdi. Auszugsweise Übersetzung aus Qinshihuangling binmayong keng yihaokeng fajue baogao 1974-1984. Bd. 1, Beijing 1988." Forschungsbericht (München) 7 (1992): xx.

Lin, Chunmei. " Die Entstehungs-, Verehrungs- und Kunst-geschichte der Grotte des Großen Buddha Amithaba." Forschungsbericht 8 (1993a): xx.

Lin, Chunmei. "Die Qin-Terracottaarmee: Grabbeigabe zum Mausoleum des 'Ersten Gottkaisers' Qin Shihuangdi von China." Forschungsbericht 8 (1993b): xx.

Loewe, Michael. "The study of Han wooden documents: recent developments." T'oung Pao 79 (1/3 1993): 154-9.

Lu, Liancheng. "Chariot and horse burials in ancient China." Antiquity 67 (257 1993): 824-838.


Maeda, Mitsuo. "Morse's left hand." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 46-50.

Mair, Victor H. "Dunhuang as a funnel for Central Asian nomads into China". In Ecology and Empire: nomads in the cultural evolution of the Old World, ed. Gary Seaman. 1989.

Mao, Z. and F. Mei. "The old, old Hemudu site." Cultural Dialogue 1 (1989): 16-17.

Müller, Claudius. "Barbaren bis in die Zehenspitzen - Die frühen Mongolen in chinesischer Sicht." In Die Mongolen, ed. W. Heissig. 30-38. 2. Innsbruck: 1989.

Müller, Claudius and S. Wu, ed. Wege der Götter und Menschen. Religionen im traditionellen China. Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1989.

Murphey, Rhoads. "An ecological history of Central Asian nomadism". In Ecology and Empire: nomads in the cultural evolution of the Old World, ed. Gary Seaman. 1989.


Nakahashi, Takahiro and Masafumi Nagai. "Preservation of human bone in prehistoric and historic sites in western Japan." Asian Perspectives 27 (1 1989): xx.

Nakai, N. and T. Nakamura. "Holocene sea-level changes deduced from organic 13C/12C- and C/N-, pyrite content and AMS 14C age studies of columnar neritic and littoral sediments." Abstracts of the 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto (1992): xx.

Naundorf, Gert. "Die Seidenstraßen und ihre historische Dimension." In Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter: Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907 n. Chr.) und das kulturelle Erbe der Seidenstraße, ed. Dieter Kuhn. 53-80. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1993.

Nickerson, Peter. "The meaning of matrilocality: kinship, property and politics in Mid-Heian." Monumenta Nipponica 48 (1993): xx.

Nishitani, Tadashi. "The Kaya tumuli: window on the past." The Japan Foundation Newsletter 21 (3 1993): 1-6.


Omura, A. and Y. Ota. "Former shorelines during the last 300,000 years deduced from the alpha-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating of Pleistocene Riukiu limestone." Abstracts of the 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto Japan (1992): xx.

Ota, Akio and Hirohiko Saino. "The Tomizawa site: a small Late Paleolithic encampment on an alluvial plain in northeastern Japan." Current Research in the Pleistocene 10 (1993): 34-5.


Pak, Young-sook. "Western research on Korean art history." In Twenty Papers on Korean Studies offered to Professor W.E. Skillend, Paris: Collège de France, Centre d'Etudes Coréennes, 1989.

Pennells, Linda. "Beyond the display cases." Free China Review 43 (12(Dec) 1993a): 56-57.

Pennells, Linda. "A task of imperial proportions." Free China Review 43 (12(Dec) 1993b): 48-56.

Prüch, Margarete. "Maoqinggou-Ein eisenzeitliches Gräberfeld." KAWA 50 (1992): xx.


Rawson, Jessica. "Ancient Chinese ritual bronzes: the evidence from tombs and hoards of the Shang (c. 1500-1050 BC) and Western Zhou (c. 1050-771 BC) periods." Antiquity 67 (257 1993): 805-823.

Rekihaku. National Museum of Japanese History English Guide. Sakura, Chiba-ken: National Museum of Japanese History, 1989.

Rhi, Ki-yong. "Silla Buddhism: its special features." In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: new cultural patterns, ed. L.R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu. 187-198. Berkeley CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

Riboud, Marc. Angkor: the serenity of Buddhism. London: Thames & Hudson, 1993.

Richtsfeld, Bruno, Mehr-Ali Newid, and Kazuko Ono, ed. Kunst des Buddhismus entlang der Seidenstraße. München: Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde, 1992.

Riotto, Maurizio. "Riflessioni su due vasi coreani dell'eta' del bronzo dal museo dell 'Universita' Kyong-hui, in Seoul [Reflections on two Bronze Age vessels in the Kyonghui University Museum in Seoul]." Rivista degli studi orientali 63 (1/3 1989): 149-59.

Ruan, Yisan. "The conservation of Chinese historic cities." Antiquity 67 (257 1993): 850-855.


Sasse, Werner. "Altkoreanisch Dichtung: Die Silla-Hyangga." Oriens Extremus 32 (1989): 133-263.

Scarre, Chris. "Japan and world megaliths: a reflection on Hojo's study." Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8 (1 1989): 91.

Seaman, Gary, ed. Ecology and Empire: nomads in the cultural evolution of the Old World. USA: Ethnographics Press, 1989.

Shen, Guanjun. "Uranium series ages of speleothems from Guizhou Paleolithic sites and their paleoclimatic implications." In Evolving landscapes and evolving biotas of East Asia since the mid-Tertiary, ed. Nina G. Jablonski. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1993.

Solheim, Wilhelm G. II. "South-east Asia and Korea from the beginnings of food production to the first states." Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization 1 (1994): xx.

Synkiewicz, Slawoj. "Interactions between the nomadic cultures of central Asia and China in the Middle Ages." In Culture and Periphery: comparative studies in archaeology, ed. T.C. Champion. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.


Takeda, Yukio. "Studies on the King Kwanggaito inscription and their basis." Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko N47 (1989): xx.

Tampoe, Moira. Maritime Trade between China and the West. Vol. S555. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1989.

Thompson, Laurence G. "On the prehistory of hell in China." Journal of Chinese Religions 17 (1989): xx.

Tokunaga, Katsushi and Takeo Juji. "Genetic link between East Asians and Amerindians: evidence from HLA haplotypes." Current Research in the Pleistocene 10 (1993): 46-47.

Tsushima, Yuko, ed. Chants Ainu [in Frence]. Paris: Editions Gallimard, 19xx.


Ueda, Atsushi. "Can Kyoto be saved?" Japan Echo 18 (2 1991): 80-84.


Vainshtein, Sevyan I. "One of the origins of nomadism." In Ecology and Empire: nomads in the cultural evolution of the Old World, ed. Gary Seaman. 75-79. 1989.

Vogel, Hans Ulrich. Salt production techniques in ancient China. Vol. 27. Sinica Ledensia, Leiden: Brill, 1992.

Vogel, Hans Ulrich. "Cowry trade and its role in the economy of Yunnan, the 9th to the middle of the 17th century." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient xx (1993): xx.

Vuylsteke, Richard R. "New money from old buildings." Free China Review 43 (12 [Dec] 1993): 70-73.


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